Watch On-Demand
Are you struggling with the time-consuming nature of routine tasks, such as legal research and client communication? This webinar will highlight on automating these legal tasks, enhancing productivity and efficiency.
In our webinar we will discuss:
- Going from blank pages to drafting with remarkable speed and precision arguments
- Getting the legal case summary you need in seconds
- Extracting and summarizing key insights from firm documents in moments
- Get natural and engaging responses to your legal queries
- Automating these routine tasks will free up valuable time to focus on higher-value work.
Don't miss out on the chance to stay ahead of AI developments and gain valuable insights.
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CPD Hours
LexisNexis Canada has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by the Law Society of Ontario.
This program contains 1.0 CPD professionalism hour. Eligibility may vary based on provincial regulations. Please claim in accordance with your law society reporting requirements for CPD.